2015년 7월 26일 일요일

Handmade Pet Sofa

We have a soft crate which I bought from Thailand about a year ago. And silly me, I only bought one because I wasn't sure if they were going to use it and it turns out both of my dogs like to go in and sleep(FYI, when it comes to competition it's always Veyron who get to have what he wants). So the soft crate was always for Veyron all this time until this afternoon when I gave them a new choice.
I always felt bad Porsh needs to sleep on the floor so I made a pet sofa for him where he can sleep on. This time I made a huge one so they can share it.

This is the new sofa :)
I gave it to them right after I complete it. 
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and it became Veyron's asset again...LOL

Veyron playing on the sofa I made.

look at them.. Porsh is sleeping on the floor again @_@
Veyron would not let Porsh come near to the sofa.

should I make another one...?

2015년 3월 8일 일요일

Nature Gateway

Things have been quite hectic for me lately and I thought we should go for a trip. 
So we went to this pet friendly resort over the weekend. It was a quite and peaceful place to retreat:) 

We stayed at this open air room.. (hahaha I never expected it was open air)

Here is the deck attached to bedroom.

Mini garden. Porsh and Veyron are exploring new place.

They are just warming up~

My two little squirrels <3

Okay, enough with warming up. Let's go to swim :D

On the way to the pool. 
Porsh is so excited and he did not realize how fast he was going lol. 

Here we are at the pool@ Amazing view, isn't it? 

Do you see the white fluffy dog on left? her name is Maya. She lives here with her owners.
She is such a lovely dog and great guide too!

Porsh and Veyron spent great time playing with her. 

 After the swimming session, we got exhausted and hungry.
BBQ for dinner. 

I guess they are hungry too. 

Yeahi! The atmosphere, food, people, everything was perfect!
We had great time here and cannot wait for our next visit. 

Oh, and never forget the grooming time. 
Porsh was dozing off while I groom him. 

Off to bed! good night :) 
Don't let mosquitoes bite you.