Sheltie Coat Color Inheritance Calculator
The Shetland Sheepdog Grooming
The stone guide
to dog grooming for all breeds
By Stone, Ben/ Stone, Pearl
Published Date: 1991/11
Standard Regarding
Coat- The coat
should be double, the outer coat consisting of long, straight, harsh hair; the
undercoat short, furry and so dense as to give the entire coat is “stand-off’
quality. The hair on face, tips of ear and feet should be smooth. Mane and
frill should be abundant and particularly impressive in males. The forelegs
well feathered, the hind legs heavily so, but smooth below the hock joint. Hair
on tail profuse. Note: Excess hair on ears, feet, and on hocks may be trimmed
for the show ring. Faults- Coat short
or flat, in whole or in part; wavy curly, soft or silky. Lack of
undercoat. Smooth-coated specimens.
Breed Note
The Shetland sheepdog originated in the Shetland Island off
the northern coast of Scotland, and strongly resembles the rough Collie in miniature.
The “Sheltie’s” size, beauty, intelligence and gentle nature have made friends
for him wherever dog lovers are found.
Grooming Procedure
For a puppy all that is really necessary is that he be clean
and brushed. It has become standard proactive to trim the whiskers off the face
and of course the dog’s toenails should be kept trimmed. Excess hair can be
removed from around the outline of the dog’s feet and from the hocks. However,
it is doubtful if any dog ever won or lost because his feet were not trimmed
and if in doubt, don’t trip too much! Instead of giving the dog an entire bath,
just put him in the tub and wash the white parts if they are dirty, or you can
use a water less shampoo. To add extra whiteness to the white parts sprinkle in
a little white grooming powder for dogs. If you prefer, you can use plain cornstarch
or baby powder as a whitener, taking care to brush it all our again. To make
the dog’s coat stand away from the body dampen in with a sponge or spray and
brush against the grain finishing up by brushing the coat lightly back in the
right direction so it fits the body. Be careful to brush it down over the rump
as the coat over the rear end may very well be longer and thicker that the coat
over the shoulders.
That is really all that is necessary for a Shetland sheepdog
to spear perfectly presentable. There are many complicated grooming techniques
employed by many breeders and handlers. If you attend dog shows, you will
probably see some of them being attempted by others, but they are not necessary
and frequently make little or no difference in the dog’s general appearance. It
is a matter of personal preference how complicated you make your grooming.
- Courtesy, The American Shetland Sheepdog
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