2012년 10월 17일 수요일

Sheltie Ear Tipping 1.

Shelties will look prettier with their Perfect ears tipped. Most shelties ear don't just happen but it takes time and perseverance.  I started taping Porsh ears at age of 8 weeks. It normally takes 8months to even 12months to have the perfect ears. I know it's a long way but I'd really like to see the 'perfect' ears.
All I have to remember is "be consistent!"
Even if it takes resetting the sheltie's ear on daily basis, make it my number ONE priority. 

(*I have collected information from many breeders and came out with my own way to ear tip. 
So it could be different from yours)
What Do I Need ? 
1) Yutokuban Tape (Japan)
2) Surgical Tape
3)Alcohol swab
4) Ear Cleaner
5) Eyebrow Shaver
6) Scissors
7) Cotton buds

..to wash your hands with warm water
 ..to clean shelties ears with ear cleaner

1. Before starting with taping work, remove the ear fur with eyebrow shaver. I prefer shaving than plugging them off. 
2. After shaving off, wipe the ears with alcohol swab.

3. Cut the (1)Yutokoban Tape about 1cm length. We need a pair of them. Stick the tape on the ears.
4. Cut the (2)surgical tape about 1cm length and stick it over the Yutokuban tape.

5. We will make ‘Sticks’ to tie up both ears. Get a pair of 8cm length surgical tape and fold them into half but make sure 1cm end is not folded. (refer to the picture above)

6. Stick the 2 ‘sticks’ on each ear. They will look like antennas. 

7. Now we need a pair of double sided tape to fold the ears. Cut a pair of small surgical tape and make tiny double sided tape. 
8. Then cut a pair of Yutokuban tapes 4cm length.
9. Before making double sided tape with Yutokuban, stick the tiny tape from step 7 in the middle of Yutokuban Tape.

10. Once we get a set of double sided tape, stick them on each ears and fold them half.

11. Finally, we tie up the antennas. (do not tie them too tight)
12. If the left over antennas are too long, cut them smaller.

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